Develop with Open-Interpreter


Open Interpreter lets language models run code. We made it so that agent applications developed with Open Interpreter can run on AIOS by adding just one line of code.

Quick Start

For installation and usage of open-interpreter, please refer to Open Interpreter.

If you want to run an application developed with open-interpreter on AIOS, please add prepare_interpreter() before you use open-interpreter, and select a framework type through FrameworkType. When you want to use Open-Interpreter, you should use FrameworkType.OpenInterpreter.

Then nothing needs to change, use interpreter as usual.

+ with aios_starter(**vars(args)):

+     prepare_framework(FrameworkType.OpenInterpreter)"In a group of 23 people, the probability of at least two having the same birthday is greater "
                     "than 50%")

More examples can be found in

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